Текст песни Garnet Rogers — Junior


Born on second base,
You thought you hit a double.
You don't speak for me.
Daddy and his rich friends
Bailed you out of trouble.
You don't speak for me.
I watch you as you work the crowd,
Your eyes too bright,
Your voice too loud.
Well, Junior, you're doing
Your daddy proud
But you don't speak for me.
You don't speak for me.

How to do your job
When you're always on vacation.
You don't speak for me.
They're pulling your strings
From an undisclosed location.
You don't speak for me.
Yeah, you're kicking ass
And taking names.
You’re filling up the jails.
You’re tapping the phones.
You’re opening my mail,
But God's on your side, Junior.
How can you fail?
You don't speak for me,
You don't speak for me.

Another rich man's war,
Another poor man's fight,
You don't speak for me.
Keep the flag-draped coffins
Hidden from sight.
You don't speak for me.
In Washington there's fifty thousand names
On the wall.
You can't name one of them.
You were drunk and AWOL,
And now we're supposed to come
When you call.
Well, you don't speak for me.
You don't speak for me.

So you were born on second base
Or maybe it was third.
You don't speak for me.
You're wrapped in the flag.
You mouth holy words.
You don't speak for me.
But are you getting nervous, Junior.
Your numbers are hurtin'.
Even your best friends are looking uncertain.
Pay no attention to the men
Behind the curtain.
You don't speak for me.
I'm tired of your lies.
I'm sick of your games.
All your friends, they all sound the same.
Well, have the phony war,
But not in my name.
You don't speak for me.
You don't speak for me.
You don't speak for me.

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